
BC Housing and BSHS Contracts Officially signed!

Carol, Laurie and Walter have something to celebrate! After 20+ years of trying to get Lighthouse Villa off the ground, the project team have signed all the formalities to get construction started! I big kudo’s to all for this wonderful effort!

BC Housing Approves Funding for Lighthouse Villa!

Thanks to the support of our community, our volunteers, Josie Osborne and her team, as well as the hard working members of the board, we are excited to share the news with Oceanside that BC Housing has approved our project and will provide funding to move ahead with building our dream of affordable housing for

Pancake Breakfast Celebration!

Thank-you to all the volunteers and community members who came out Sunday (Sept 8th) to enjoy a yummy breakfast and celebrate the fantastic news of successfully getting funding and approval to move ahead with Lighthouse Villa! There were a lot of smiles that day! We were able to serve 223 meals that morning as well

Kudos to Carol!

Last month our own Carol Cannon was recognized by the Lighthouse Community Centre for her outstanding community support – and we couldn’t agree more! We’re proud to have you on the board! Check out what they had to say below   Lighthouse Community Volunteer Recognition   Carol: A Pillar of Community Support   Carol Cannon


The Bowser Seniors Housing Society held their Annual General Meeting in May. Please click the link to see minutes from the meeting.

2023 BSHS Raffle Winners

Our 2023 Raffle lucky winners were:                 1st Prize   $750 Gas Money                                      Mark C.                 2nd Prize  BC Ferries package plus $200 cash         Mark C.                 3rd Prize  $100 Quality Foods gift card                    Lyn S. Lucky tickets were pulled by Stuart McLean, RDN Area H Director, Chief Michael Recalma, QFN, and Ann Graham, Raffle Event Coordinator. Thank you to all who volunteered selling tickets

2022 BSHS Raffle Winners

2022 AGM Overview

Click here BSHS Annual AGM was held in May 2022 and provides a progress report for Lighthouse Villa. Please click the link above to view the document.

2021 Gala

We regret that due to COVID19, once again we have to postpone our Annual Gala, scheduled for November 20 , 2021. This is unfortunate as it is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We had hoped that COVID19 would be behind us

AGM – 2020

Thursday April 30th, 2020 Participation via email only (as per social distancing directive) Members will receive AGM package by email on April 27 and are requested to respond by email by noon on April 30th. Thank you in advance for your participation.

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